We look forward to your visit in Hamburg

12. - 13. Juni 2024

Messe Halle Hamburg-Schnelsen
Modering 1a
22457 Hamburg

Stand E11

General contractor for logistics centers: planning, new construction, modernization

Unitechnik specializes in sophisticated automation solutions for internal logistics. Our integrated warehouse management system UniWare is the central building block here. For our international customers from industry and trade, we plan and implement tailor-made complete solutions that meet maximum demands in terms of productivity and sustainability - in line with Industry 4.0.

Your contact persons

How can we support you?

Come to our stand and have a good conversation. Whether it's a non-binding meeting or a specific project - we will be happy to take time for you.

Serafina Di Bella

Assistant to the management

T +49 2261 987-217
E-Mail | vCard

Arrange a meeting at the trade fair

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Shuttlelager für „Calibration Factory“ von Testo Industrial Services
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Neu bei Unitechnik: Innovatives Intralogistiksystem von Exotec
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Our trade fair highlights

Robot from Sereact recognizes and grips any objects

Will robotics dominate the intralogistics of tomorrow? The latest Unitechnik study shows that companies see robotics solutions primarily as a way of…

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Avoiding disruptions in logistics before they occur - this is made possible by UniWare-AI from Unitechnik Systems GmbH. The AI-based assistant for…

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At LogiMAT 2025, Unitechnik will be demonstrating how the warehouse management system UniWare will communicate with logistics employees in natural…

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The new EU packaging regulation PPWR is coming. In future, special attention must be paid to the volume of cardboard packaging used in shipping.…

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Unitechnik Systems GmbH is reorganizing its consulting services. With a check-up at a fixed price, the general contractor wants to support interested…

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This is how we approach workplace planning:

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Virtual Reality zur Arbeitsplatzgestaltung in der Intralogistik
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Worth knowing

Logistics Consulting

We believe that a good planning process needs a clear and transparent structure. That is why we have developed the three-phase plan. It helps you to future-proof your internal logistics.

To logistics consulting

Our whitepapers

Retrofit in der Intralogistik - worauf es ankommt
Retrofit in der Intralogistik - worauf es ankommt
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Königsweg zur LVS-Ablösung - Branchentrends und ein individueller Fahrplan
Königsweg zur LVS-Ablösung - Branchentrends und ein individueller Fahrplan
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Automatisierung in der Intralogistik - Leitfaden für die individuelle Lösung
Automatisierung in der Intralogistik - Leitfaden für die individuelle Lösung
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Fahrerlose Transportsysteme versus stationäre Fördertechnik
Fahrerlose Transportsysteme versus stationäre Fördertechnik
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More documents
Digitaler Zwilling in der Intralogistik - Vision und Realität
Digitaler Zwilling in der Intralogistik - Vision und Realität
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Moderne IT- und Automatisierungskonzepte für Logistik 4.0
Moderne IT- und Automatisierungskonzepte für Logistik 4.0
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Regalbediengerat vs. Shuttle, mit unabhängiger Beratung zur passenden AKL-Lösung
Regalbediengerat vs. Shuttle, mit unabhängiger Beratung zur passenden AKL-Lösung
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Worauf es bei der Auswahl eines Kommissioniersystems ankommt
Worauf es bei der Auswahl eines Kommissioniersystems ankommt
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