Career at Unitechnik - Our job market

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Simply select the location that is right for you and find out which positions we can currently offer you. You can also filter by job offers for skilled workers, apprenticeships and students.

Please note that our job descriptions are only available in German. German language skills are an important requirement for working at Unitechnik.

Start your job search at Unitechnik now!

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Your contact persons

Marion Minneker

Human Resources Manager

T +49 2261 987-215
E-Mail | vCard

Trade fairs and events

Maintenance 2025 Dortmund, Germany more
LogiMAT 2025 Stuttgart, Germany more

Career portal of Unitechnik Systems in Wiehl

Welcome to our career portal. Here you will find exciting jobs, apprenticeships and internships. You can filter the list by selecting the entry level and/or the field of activity.


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