Siemens Partner Program: Third Certification for Unitechnik Eisenhüttenstadt

Triple automation competency for our customers: Siemens has certified Unitechnik Automatisierungs GmbH as a solution partner for the third time. In addition to the Machine Safety and Automation Technology modules, we have now received the seal of approval for the Large Drives module as well. This proves Unitechnik’s in-depth expertise with the application of Siemens products in the field of drive technology. As a new Large Drives partner, we are highly qualified for the implementation of demanding projects with complex, chained drives used for example in roller mills. Our services cover the full extent of drive technology. Since Unitechnik offers brand-neutral consulting, our customers benefit in two ways: They receive a solution tailored precisely to their requirements and are not restricted to the choice of a certain system supplier.

Dritte Zertifizierung als Siemens Solution Partner