In 2015 Unitechnik honored as many as twelve employees, who celebrated their jubilees. Special emphasis should be placed on our longest-serving employee Hubertus Blank. Already for 40 years he does a fantastic job for Unitechnik. Special thanks for this!
We also congratulate warmly all other employees celebrating their anniversary.
Since 25 years:
Michael Bartels
Peter Donner
Axel Heidrich
Hademar Klöss
Hans-Jürgen Kreft
Werner Müller
Silvia Neumann
Egon Possmayer
Uwe Schmidt
give their best for Unitechnik.
Since 10 years:
Michael Rien
Helge Ruland
join our team.
Our special thanks go to all of them for their loyalty and their confidence in Unitechnik. We look forward to many more years with great colleagues and exciting projects