Free download: The 7 pitfalls when building a logistics center


We have been implementing logistics projects as a general contractor for over 20 years. In the process, we have repeatedly noticed things that hinder the success of projects.

Pitfall 1: Employees not brought on board

Employees are often skeptical about the introduction of a new logistics system. Fears play a major role in this. If employees are not involved in the project at an early stage, they will later look for reasons why everything was better before. The know-how of operational employees also provides important optimization potential. Not using it damages the project.

Pitfall 2: Which came first - the building or the logistics system?

In a logistics project, the building is often planned first. Architects think about the visual appearance, the arrangement of the building on the site, compliance with all building regulations, etc. For the logistician, the focus is on the material flows. Where will the goods be delivered from, where are the sinks, what buffer capacities and work areas are required. If the architect and logistician do not talk to each other at an early stage, an optimal solution cannot be found.

Pitfall 3: Insufficient flexibility of the logistics system

The new logistics system is often very closely aligned with the current business model ...

Do you want to know what happens next? We have compiled the seven pitfalls for you in a PDF. Please enter your name, company and e-mail address to receive it free of charge.

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Logistics Consulting

We believe that a good planning process needs a clear and transparent structure. That's why we have developed the three-phase plan to help you future-proof your logistics.

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