UniWare warehouse management system

A warehouse management system takes over the control, coordination and optimization of all processes in the warehouse. This includes managing goods movements, collecting data, placing incoming products, tracking stock, optimizing picking routes and carrying out inventories.
UniWare is a modular warehouse management system that ensures maximum transparency in your logistics center. Platform-independent and applicable across all industries, the system manages your stock, optimizes your warehouse resources and ensures efficient order picking.

Thanks to the integrated material flow computer (MFR) and the standardized PLC interface, the warehouse management system enables the use of all standard warehouse and conveyor technology components and creates maximum transparency in warehouse management. All stocks and material movements can be visualized at any time for the entire system. Mobile and stationary. UniWare is multi-client capable, multilingual and group-capable. It maps both standardized and individual business processes.

    The UniWare warehouse management software is predestined for automated logistics centers, but manual warehouses can also be integrated easily and flexibly. It has interfaces to all common ERP systems and an intuitive user interface for easy operation. The visualization of warehouse management, material flow and control technology takes place completely in one screen. Thanks to its modular structure, the warehouse management system validated by Fraunhofer IML can be used flexibly and is a safe investment.

    Advantages with Unitechnik

    Manufacturer independence

    Manufacturer independence

    unterstützt individuelle Prozesse

    Process knowledge

    Process knowledge

    Virtuelle Inbetriebnahme

    Günstiges Lizenzmodell



    seit über 25 Jahren etabliert

    integrierte KI-Analysen

    Your contact persons

    Michael Huhn

    Head of Sales
    Authorized signatory

    T +49 2261 987-518
    E-Mail | vCard

    Stefan Blauel

    Head of Information Technology

    T +49 2261 987-501
    E-Mail | vCard

    Ingolf Mix

    IT Consulting & Sales
    Logistics Systems

    T +49 2261 987-403
    E-Mail | LinkedIn | vCard

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    References and case studies with LVS UniWare

    Planning and realization of an airfreight center for 600.000 t freight per year, partly cooled, autom. high bay warehouse for 1000 ULDs, 4ETVs, man. warehouse for 8.500 pallets

    Automatic ULD warehouse for 131 20ft containers 2 stacker cranes 11 lowerable workstations X-Way-Mover for flexible handling

    Autom. ULD cargo warehouse with 202 compartments, partially refrigerated, pallet warehouse, 250 m express sorting loop, X-Ray machines for ULDs, pallets and parcels.


    The ideal way to replace your WMS

    Is your company facing the challenge of changing its warehouse management system (WMS)? Unitechnik offers insights into current industry trends and a customized roadmap to WMS replacement based on a detailed survey of more than 50 warehouse operators. Find out which factors are crucial when deciding on a new WMS and how you can make the transition smooth.

    Find out the details here

    The ideal way to replace your WMS

    Is your company facing the challenge of changing its warehouse management system (WMS)? Unitechnik offers insights into current industry trends and a customized roadmap to WMS replacement based on a detailed survey of more than 50 warehouse operators. Find out which factors are crucial when deciding on a new WMS and how you can make the transition smooth.

    Find out the details here

    Aktuelle Informationen zum Thema Log4j-Schwachstelle

    Unitechnik informiert: Die Softwareprodukte UniWare und UniCAM sind von der aktuellen Log4Shell-Sicherheitslücke in Log4j nicht betroffen.

    Eine ausführliche Stellungnahme und Details zur Sicherheit unserer Systeme finden Sie hier.


    Unitechnik, Uniware


    UniWare warehouse management system


    Unitechnik, Uniware


    UniWare warehouse management system

    Oracle Gold Partner

    Oracle Gold Partner